I've entered....
- Um, my weight doesn't begin with a 2!!! (Yesterday the scale said 199.6...and I so wanted to blog, but I waited to see if it would stick around....so today makes it official!!!)
- I've lost exactly 29 pounds!!!
- I've gone down 1/2 a shoe size.
- I can no longer wear ANYTHING that has a W begin the size.
- I went down a cup size...(this happened yesterday, and I thought I was going to need to be medicated. I literally tried on 7 different bras hoping to stay in a D. I don't know...I miss my girls and really hope they don't continue to shrink.)
- I am happy. And healthier.
I found out this week that I am in charge of the football/cheer float for the homecoming parade. In three weeks. On the same day that I am photographing a wedding.
And I really had a rough day Friday. Fridays are hectic anyway, with cheer and pep rallies and games and whatnot. Then I had a conference that left me really upset and in tears. Then one of my babies noticed I looked sad and made an extra effort to check on me. THAT is what makes my job worth it.
Also, I have a new addiction. Monster Rehab. They are the bomb!!! They aren't carbonated and only have 20 calories for the whole can. I can usually be seen with one in my hand all day!!!
Ok, now I'm off to skip around the house like a little school girl.
Oh yeah, I went shopping yesterday...2 pair of size 14 pants, 4 tops - all from the MISSES section!! All XL. AND the dreaded new bra...and new glasses....also smaller!!! And I finally got me a new pair of tennis shoes today....and some new undies!!! I feel shiny and new!!!!