So, here are some bullets to play catch up:
- I may ramble and repeat myself - so bear (bare?) with me!!
- I went for a fill November 7th. I really think I may have found my sweet spot with this one. My head hunger is still there - but I can't eat as much. (A child's cheeseburger - patty only - lasted me for three meals!!!)
- This whole work catastrophe, resigning from my dream job, career future up in the air may have actually been a blessing in disguise.
- I've been "working" a lot at my grandparents. Believe it or not, I'm actually making more money NOT teaching!!
- I got a letter in the mail yesterday detailing my final paycheck. Apparently, resigning is going to bring in some serious dinero. They have to pay me "out of my contract" and I don't pretend to understand all the mumbo jumbo...but I will definitely enjoy depositing that big old check!!
- I found out today that the principal of my former dream job is resigning at the end of the semester. And rumor has it that 8 others will be putting in their resignations soon. I guess I got out just in time. I don't think I could have handled another principal change.
- I'm excited about Thanksgiving - but probably for all the wrong reasons!!! For one, I actually get to sleep late on Thursday!!! And we will be leaving for the lake after dinner. Being away from civilization always makes me happy!!!
- With this little windfall coming our way, Christmas is going to be a happier time around our house!! I've even started dreaming about it a little bit. (For the first time in years I actually have a little Christmas wish list!!)
I will leave you with a quick question. Any of you ladies have "potty issues?" And if so, what have you found to remedy them?? Milk of Magnesia is apparently not the answer to my issues!!